04/06/2023 Sex Offender Community Notification |
Community Notification: The Maumelle Police Department is releasing the following information pursuant to Section 13 of Act 989 of 1997, the Sex and Child Offender Registration Act and the community notification guidelines promulgated by the Commission on Abuse, which authorizes Law Enforcement Agencies to inform the public of a sex offender's release. Such information will enhance public safety and protection. The individual who appears on this notification has been convicted of an offense that requires registration with the Arkansas Crime Information Center. Further, his/her previous criminal history places him/her in a classification level that reflects the potential to re-offend. This Offender has advised the Maumelle Police Department that he/she will be living in the location listed in this report. HE/SHE IS NOT WANTED BY THE POLICE. THE NOTIFICATION IS NOT INTENDED TO INCREASE FEAR; RATHER IT IS OUR BELIEF AN INFORMED PUBLIC IS A SAFER PUBLIC. The Maumelle Police Department has no legal authority to direct where a Sex Offender lives. Unless court ordered restrictions exist, this Offender is free to live where he/she chooses. Sex Offenders have always lived in our communities, but it wasn't until this passage of the Sex and Child Offender Registration Act that law enforcement even knew where they were living. In many cases, law enforcement is now able to share the information with you. CITIZEN ABUSE OF THIS INFORMATION TO THREATEN, INTIMIDATE OR HARASS REGISTERED SEX OFFENDERS WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. Further abuse could potentially end law enforcement's ability to do community notifications. We believe the only person who wins, if community notifications end are the Offender, since sex offenders derive their power through secrecy. LEVEL OF RISK FOR ADULT AND JUVENILE OFFENDERS Based on historical data and information obtained from the risk assessment process, offenders are assigned to the following levels of risk to the general public: LOW RISK-1: Usually these are individuals with no prior history of sexual acting out, and no strong antisocial tendencies, sexual compulsions or psychological factors impairing judgment. MODERATE RISK-2: Usually these are individuals with limited or circumscribed prior history of sexual acting out, possess some antisocial personality characteristics, predatory tendencies, or deviant sexual interest or behavioral patterns that increase the general level of risk these offenders pose. They may have mild or well-controlled mental disorders, and/or developmental disabilities. HIGH RISK-3: These individuals usually have histories of repeat sexual offending, and/or strong antisocial, violent or predatory personality characteristics. Sexual compulsions are likely to be present, but may be kept under control when relapse prevention plans are followed and treatment is continued. The offense patterns of these individuals reflect a relatively high probability of re-offense and/or a risk of substantial injury to victims should re-offense occur. SEXUALLY DANGEROUS PERSON-4: These are individuals with impaired judgment or control who have sexual or violent compulsions that they lack the ability to control. This may be due to pedophilia or other disorder of sexual attraction, mental illness or personality disorder that distorts thinking, interferes with behavioral control, and predisposes the person to acts of predatory sexual violence. For additional information go to our website www.maumellpd.org click on the link for sex offender registry. The Arkansas Crime Information Center's website at www.acic.org, click on the link for sex offender registry. The following Registered Sex Offender is moving to Maumelle: SEX OFFENDER'S INFORMATION NAME: James Blake Causey RISK: Level 2 RACE: White SEX: Male HEIGHT: 5'3" WEIGHT: 180 HAIR COLOR: Brown EYE COLOR: Blue DATE OF BIRTH: 1/5/1993 ADDRESS: 204 Bay Point Cove, Maumelle, AR 72113 DESCRIPTION OF CRIME: This offender was convicted of Sexual Assault in the Fourth Degree on 2/2/2015. The offense involved the offender engaging in sexual contact with a 13-year-old female. If you know of a sex offender not in compliance or if you have questions regarding a sex offender or sex offender laws, please contact Captain Jeff Sackhoff at 501-851-1337 or e-mail at jsackhoff@maumellepd.com Anonymous tips can be submitted at www.maumellepd.org |